A successful place grows naturally, logically and creatively out of its conditions

Mosaic is a Masterplanning & Urban Design practice focusing on strategic land in the UK.

Based in London,  the Midlands and Bristol we design across a range of contexts, scales and land uses via a commercially aware, collaborative and process driven approach.

Our current projects range from a 6,000 home new mixed-use settlement for a landowner/master developer, through to smaller schemes for bespoke house builders. We also cover everything in between!

Our Approach.

Ours is a collaborative, participatory approach that actively works through design solutions with the client, the community and other key stakeholders through workshop events.


We work proactively with our clients to help shape the brief and provide additional value at the outset. 


Seek to understand a design problem before chasing after solutions.


Properly gaining control of the design process involves losing a little control of the design process.


Beauty is due more to harmonious relationships among the elements of a composition than to the elements themselves.

Selected Projects

Birchington-On-Sea, Kent

Birchington-On-Sea, Kent

Land Promotion & Outline Planning ApplicationBirchington-On-Sea, KentMosaic provided masterplanning advice in support of an Outline Planning Application for a significant new residential led, mixed-use, urban extension of up to 1,600 homes to the south-west of...

Land at North West Bicester (Former Bicester Eco Town), Cherwell

Land at North West Bicester (Former Bicester Eco Town), Cherwell

OutlineLand at North West Bicester (Former Bicester Eco Town), CherwellMosaic Urban Design provided masterplanning advice for a new neighbourhood of up to 530 homes. The proposed development (Land at North West Bicester) promotes the objectives of the North West...

North Hemel Hempstead, Hemel Hempstead

North Hemel Hempstead, Hemel Hempstead

Land PromotionNorth Hemel Hempstead, Hemel HempsteadOur masterplanning work has been developed in response to technical and environmental considerations and has demonstrated that draft Policy S6 iv of the St Albans Local Plan 2020-2036 for the land at North Hemel...

Humbers Mill, Margate, Kent

Humbers Mill, Margate, Kent

Outline Planning ApplicationHumbers Mill, Margate, Kent Mosaic provided master planning advice to support a recent outline planning application for a mixed-use, sustainable urban extension. The development will comprise up to 1,461 residential units and a ‘community...

Newbridge Park, West of Billingshurst

Newbridge Park, West of Billingshurst

Land PromotionNewbridge Park, West of BillingshurstMosaic Urban Design has developed a comprehensive plan for a new community in Billingshurst. This plan includes around 1,000 new dwellings, a retirement village/extra care facility, a new primary school, allotments,...

Horsham Golf & Fitness Village, Horsham

Horsham Golf & Fitness Village, Horsham

Outline Planning ApplicationHorsham Golf & Fitness Village, HorshamMosaic has been appointed to provide masterplanning advice to support an Outline Planning Application for Horsham Golf & Fitness Village. This new development aims to create a vibrant...